Welcome to our site allegedfacts.eu.
…to my personal view on subjects of my choice. Happy reading!
…till min egen syn på saker som intresserar mig. Trevlig läsning!
…bij mijn eigen visie op onderwerpen die mij interesseren. Lees ze!
Welcome to our site allegedfacts.eu.
…to my personal view on subjects of my choice. Happy reading!
…till min egen syn på saker som intresserar mig. Trevlig läsning!
…bij mijn eigen visie op onderwerpen die mij interesseren. Lees ze!
Our math and science author Eef has published a series of articles on AI and Math. These articles are best read in the correct sequence for easy understanding. There are also a few articles on AI from my hand. Check out this page to get it right. Continue reading →
It has been impossible for anyone to ignore the results of the recent election in the US. The orange candidate won in his words with ‘a landslide victory’, but in our fact-checked reality only with an ever so slight margin. Obviously, this depends on what numbers you are looking at: the number of electors or the number of actual votes.
The results:
In 1949 Alan Turing proposed an experimental exercise which he called The Imitation Game. It was a test to determine the ability of a machine to participate in a human conversation without being caught as a non human entity. Turing’s experience with the WWII Enigma must have made him aware of the potential of computers. The Imitation Game later became known as the Turing Test.
Many decades ago, it must have been in the seventies, I read an article written by Doctor Max Euwe 1901 – 1981, mathematician, computer scientist, and former chess world champion. Continue reading →
Comments on ChatGPT – Arty, facts and initiative
The first thought I had after reading Paul’s text was: he should have chosen for the setting “Improve the model for everyone” to True.
Arty could certainly learn from this discussion and the remarks.
The most obvious fact for humans about Gothenburg’s metro is: it isn’t there. For our AI, the metro is just another public transportation arrangement and in its absence, he offers another system that can fulfil the service.
Clearly a matter of interpretation, and Paul is lenient here, no penalty for Arty. Continue reading →
As my co-columnist Eef has been rather enthusiastic about his knowledgeable pal Arty, I decided to also check out Arty again. I’ve done so earlier but was probably less impressed as Eef. However, Eef’s articles shine a light on another Arty than I remember from my early and brief encounter. So, why not give Arty a fresh chance?
For the new visitors of this website, Arty is the nickname for ChatGPT. And ChatGPT is an AI or an Artificial Intelligence question and answer dialogue website or mobile app. Note the term Artificial, hence Arty. Continue reading →
Before I sent my previous essay ’Shor’s Algorithm’ to Chief Editor Paul, I asked Arty (ChatGPT) to give it a look especially with regard to readability and tell me if he thinks it’s worth publishing.
My AI friend responded in his usual friendly and positive manner full of praise.
“…well-written! …managed to strike a great balance between technical detail and accessibility… , …classical factoring algorithms, as well as the key differences between classical and quantum computing are clearly explained.”
Of course I was happy with these pats on the back, especially from a guy as knowledgable as Arty, but then he came with some critical comments wrapped up in such a casual way that I almost missed them. Continue reading →
Over a year ago, I wrote a short post on Tweetr and left the platform. Read more about the article here. With no real alternative, I refrained from this part of Social Media and concentrated on others. Now I’m back, but not on Tweetr!
After a year without me tweeting, a viable alternative did finally surface in the form of the BlueSky mobile app. BlueSky looks like Tweeter used to look and offers similar functionality. But here without the downsides Tweetr developed. For one, BlueSky offers proper moderation and a timeline that makes sense. It is add-free (for now) and free of use. Continue reading →
Quantum computing is an expression frequently to be found in the news of every self respecting media outlet.
Time and again, yet another breakthrough is described towards the event of becoming fully operational of such a device.
The method of working of a quantum computer (QC) in those reports always comes down to:
It does not seem that this conclusion satisfies the average packet of questions one has about an entirely new technology. Continue reading →
The ongoing Gaza war between Israel and Gaza (Hamas and by extension also Hezbollah) has been impossible to miss or ignore in the daily news since its start in October last year. Equally hard to ignore are the devastating and cruel initiatives taken by all parties whenever negotiations for a cease-fire are approaching. Sticking out like a very sore thumb, however, are the excesses in cruelty that both parties seem to find perfectly acceptable in this war. With the escalations in bad behavior as bad as they are now: where will this go, and when or where will it end? Continue reading →
When Eef wrote his piece on foreign languages, more specific on the French language for non-native speakers, he presented the article to me by email. In this email Eef he asked me on my view on the situations sketched in his article. This is a very fair question indeed as my wife and I left our home country The Netherlands (aka Holland) in 1997 when we emigrated to Sweden. You could say Eef’s and my family share the experience of moving abroad to a country we did not speak the language of. The prevailing language in Sweden being Swedish as it is French in France. In Eef’s defence, they were pensioners, while we were in our thirties. Continue reading →
My wife Wil and I live permanently in France since 2008. We’ve bought our house in 2005, but we were not ready for the final step at that time. Our reluctance was mainly due to the difficulty we had in speaking French.
But in 2008 the ultimate decision was made: France was the place to be, attracted as we were by the beautiful nature, the calm pace of the French countryside and the low-stress attitude of the local people, so we sold our Dutch property.
Does this mean that we overcame the problems we had with the French language? Not by a long shot. Continue reading →
Tidigare i år skickade jag in ett förslag till Stockholm stad att göra en namns ändring på ‘Gjörwellsgatan’ till ‘Aleksej Navalnyj vägen’. Läs mer om det här. Idéen med att ändra just denna gata till minnet av Navalnyj var följande:
Efter ha skickat in mitt förslag till Kungsholmens stadsdel i Februari 2024, fick jag ha tålamod i några månader. Svaret kom först nu, i Juli 2024. Continue reading →
Det är inte ett bra tecken om jag ser anledning att publicera än en artikel om det svenska valsystemet, denna gången med löpnummer 3. Se tidigare artiklar kring samma ämne här och här, och mer nyligen här.
Några veckor efter det senaste EU val, bestämde SVT sig för att kolla hur bra det fungerade på en skala från 0 till 1, läs SVT’s inslag här. SVT tittade inte på hur själva valet genomförs, vilket jag själv har synpunkter på, men de kollade om det fanns avvikelser i själva rösträkningen – ett ännu viktigare del av valet. I all enkelhet påstår jag att om det finns avvikelser i rösträkningen så är dessa resultatet av hur valet och rösträkningen genomförs. I ett demokratiskt val påstår jag att avvikelser inte får förekomma.
När jag nyligen besiktigade min Toyota Urban Cruiser, Urban för vänner, blev det ett glad besked – som vanligt.
Nu tänkte du kanske, Visst gick det bra, det är ju en Toyota! Och det har du rätt i.
Men, till skillnad från tidigare besiktningar blev det denna gången en anmärkning. Anmärkningar är inget som man behöver ordna med detsamma, men man bör nog åtgärda det till nästa besiktning om ett år. Mina anmärkningar blev:
Självklart ska vi inte åka ett år till med dessa fel, de ska åtgärdas med detsamma! Continue reading →
Just letting you know that I’ve got a couple of new books in the making. Continue reading →
Till minnet efter den nyligen mördade ryska aktivisten Aleksej Navalnyj, låter det som att han bör ha en gata nämnd efter sig. Den självklara platsen för en sådan gata är förståss Gjörwellsgatan i Stockholm.
I google maps ser platsen ut så här:
Just anslutningen till ‘Fria Ukrainas plats’ gör Gjörwellsgatan extra lämplig för en sådan namns ändring. Continue reading →