Reading news!

Yup, indeed, a new book has come out!
As they do all the time…
But this time it is by me!

You may want to find out more about it, or even be interested in reading it!

What is it about you may wonder? Well, here’s a short impression:

In the final months of the Second World War, a high officer in the German army is assassinated by the German resistance in an attempt to speed up the outcome of the war. When the war is finally over, German resistance groups lay down their arms and return to regular life. With that, assassinations cease – or do they?
In the southern German city of Nuremberg, one group continues their resistance, now against coward war criminals that managed to escape punishment. Their lethal activities go undetected for decades until rookie journalist and historian Jutta Grünebaum picks up their trail.
Follow Jutta on her quest for the truth and justice.

Sounds interesting? In that case, you can find my all about my books here. Check it out and let me know what you think of it.


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Book reviews:

By Mike Coleman, Sweden:

Nuremberg by Paul Van Doorn:

Takes us through a time span from the end of World War 2 1945, to about 1985

Mostly occurring in Germany.

Paul tells a fictional story, tied into real places and historic events.

History of war horrors that we all need to reminded of.

The main characters named only as A, B, C, D, E, F and G. A secret group that takes it upon themselves to punish, (unpunished) war criminals. But as old age catches up on them, they choose to tell their story to Jutta, a female journalist at work. A historian at heart. Will she dare to take it upon herself to write?

Paul describes places, surroundings and environments’ but avoids people’s descriptions, thus keeping the story going forward without any unnecessary details. Like full speed ahead on a German autobahn.  This preventing me from laying the book aside, I just kept reading and reading to the very end.

I shudder to think and wonder, how much of this is fiction and how much is the author’s own family history?

Well done, Paul, well written and an exceptional good story. Who knows, maybe even a manus for a great film.

Mike Coleman, Sweden March 2022.


By Cees K, Spanje:

Intressant verhaal maar ongebuikelijk onderwerp. Goed geschreven.

Januari 2022

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