My latest book, ‘The Deep‘, was already out in paperback format. Since today, it is also possible to read it as Ebook on your Kindle ebook device.
Monthly Archives: September 2022
The Nord Stream blowout
As was reported yesterday on international news, and perhaps even more in detail out here in Scandinavia, there seems to be some serious trouble with both Nord Stream pipelines since yesterday. Both seem to be showing all the signs of massive leaking. While Nord Stream 2 was not yet deployed, even that has been blowing bubbles since yesterday. Continue reading →
‘Referendum’ in Ukraine
As no one can possibly have missed, russia is in the process of organizing a referendum. The fact that they organized it in another country makes it more unique. The fact that the subject is whether the folks voting in the referendum want to join the russian federation makes it even more unique. Note that my use of the word ‘unique’ is not to be interpreted in a positive manner. Continue reading →
My new book, The Deep, is out!
Since today, my new book ‘The Deep – An ecological thriller’ is out in the paperback format. An Ebook may follow shortly.
Here’s the cover: Continue reading →
Pricing issues
As much as I like helping others, giving away my books for free makes no sense to me. As it turned out, at I virtually did just that.
Due to the excessive amount that takes off my profit, I was giving away each book at €0.60 per copy, which is a steal on their behalf as I see it. As a result of this, I decided to no longer sell my paperbacks via but only at Obviously, sales of ebooks and pocketbooks continue via and (Nuremberg, The Big Day, The Deep, and De Grote Dag).
That said, I am reconsidering the pricing for my ebooks. I’ll keep y’all posted.
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Det Svenska valet – 2
Med några dagar sedan valet återkommer jag till mina tidigare kritiker på det Svenska valsystemet. Jag konstaterade tidigare följande briser:
- Vid ingången, dock utanför, står folk från lokala partier för att uppmana rösta på deras parti
- I ingången där man tar de små papperslappar finns en vakt som ser till att allt går rätt till där
- Kuverten man använder att lämna in lapparna har mellan 1 och 2 cm stora håll. Valkommittén ser vad det är du röstar på
- Man får inte själv stoppa sitt kuvert i valurnen, det ska en i valkommittén göra
Det svenska valet – 1
Svenska valet innan 2022
Jag tror jag har nämnt det Svenska valet och valsystemet förut, och om jag gjorde det så var det inte med lovande ord. Som icke Svensk medborgare får jag inte rösta i Riksdagsvalet, dock bara i kommun samt länstyrelse valen. Jag deltog några gånger i de första valet sedan vi flyttade hit, sedan började jag granska systemet lite mer kritiskt och slutade rösta. Istället gick jag till vallokalen för att kolla upp läget, kommentera och sedan överklaga mina synpunkter till relevanta myndigheter. Continue reading →
Educate russian tourists?
Since the unprovoked invasion of and war from russia* against Ukraine, relations between the EU and russian federation have been at a historic low, at least since the cold war ended about thirty years ago. Many rich russian folks, certainly those aiding and supporting the putin** regime, have found travel restrictions to the EU and US. Continue reading →