If you really must…

…you can contact me to:

  • give your unsalted opinion about an article published here
  • point out fact-checking issues in our articles
  • just say ‘Hi guys, good work!’

Your comment may be used in any of the ways described below, or it may not be used at all:

  • I may or may not agree with whatever you’re saying. If I do not, I’ll likely ignore your response.
  • I take fact-checking very seriously, so any deviations from the truth will be fixed. The word ‘truth’ is meant in a classically accepted manner, alternative truths will continue to be ignored. Just saying…

Leave your comment below. Make sure to attach a link to the article you are commenting on as I’m not a clairvoyant (comments without a valid link to an article will be ignored). The rules for what is generally considered a civilized choice of words apply, anything not compliant with this will be removed, ignored, and banned. If you’d consider this censorship or limitation of your right to free speech, then that’s entirely your opinion (go see Elon about that).

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