Tag Archives: #twitter

From TweetrX to BlueSky

Over a year ago, I wrote a short post on Tweetr and left the platform. Read more about the article here. With no real alternative, I refrained from this part of Social Media and concentrated on others. Now I’m back, but not on Tweetr!

After a year without me tweeting, a viable alternative did finally surface in the form of the BlueSky mobile app. BlueSky looks like Tweeter used to look and offers similar functionality. But here without the downsides Tweetr developed. For one, BlueSky offers proper moderation and a timeline that makes sense. It is add-free (for now) and free of use. Continue reading →


Once upon a time, you had Twitter to distribute new, opinions and other stuff you wanted to share. I joined quite late, in 2016, and used the app mostly to share technical conferences I joined. Once I started writing books, I used the platform to announce my books. Later, after The Deep was published and the actual sabotage took place, I published links to the news articles combined with a comment and a link to my book.

Then Elon came along… Continue reading →

The Nord Stream blowout


As was reported yesterday on international news, and perhaps even more in detail out here in Scandinavia, there seems to be some serious trouble with both Nord Stream pipelines since yesterday. Both seem to be showing all the signs of massive leaking. While Nord Stream 2 was not yet deployed, even that has been blowing bubbles since yesterday. Continue reading →