The Deep

My third book, The Deep was published in the fall of 2022.


The Deep – An ecological thriller

In short:

A retired Army man constructs a destructive device to test an idea and prove a point. When his device gets stolen, he suspects kids and thinks nothing of it. However, the deployment of his device by others eventually brings peaceful Sweden close to war.


Retired Army engineer Lars constructs a destructive device to test an idea and prove a point. The test is successful, and the project is archived while he starts working on his next project. When his device and all its designs are stolen, he suspects local kids and thinks nothing of it.

Young scientists Emily from Germany and Swedish Niels are a well-educated environmental activist couple. They have recently returned from a project on saving ocean mammals on the other side of the globe. Together, they have the skill set required to contribute to enforcing the stipulations of the Paris Agreement on reducing global warming.

Their assumed to be untouchable opponents are the Russian state and its multi-billion-dollar gas industry, including the Nord Stream gas pipelines to the EU and Gazprom operating them.

They devise a serious threat, execute it exceptionally well, and play their cards to perfection. In the process, they virtually bring the largest European supplier of natural gas to its knees. Eventually, the deployment of their threats brings peaceful Sweden close to war with what has every appearance of a brief Russian invasion of the island of Gotland, likely by the infamous paramilitary Wagner group.

This international plot develops in Arctic Sweden, Stockholm, the island of Gotland, St Petersburg, and Brussels.


Given the Paris agreement on limiting the greenhouse effect, effectively more than doubling the delivery of natural gas from Russia to Europe seemed like a bad idea. On top of that, the EU decision to class natural gas as a sustainable energy source defies science and mocks the Paris agreement.

This story is fictional, nothing more. The author attempts to make a point that adding more natural gas from Russia to balance the ever-increasing energy requirements of Europe makes no sense. Instead, alternative ways to produce energy should be explored, as well as deploying methods to reduce energy consumption.

Some of the events as described in this book became reality after the first edition was published. Some organizations named in this book do exist, but none all the persons or names I used are the product of my imagination.

This book is available as an e-book and paperback. 


Buy and read:


Ebook for Kindle

Amazon paperback

Happy reading!



Jag måste bara skriva och berätta att jag är mycket glad över boken The Deep.

Den känns verklig och jag finner massor av kluriga kopplingar till allt verkligt, fastän det är fiction. Flera parallella handlingar i Norr, i Stockholm, på Gotland och i St Petersburg, som är smart skrivna så att jag först inte vet hur kopplingen är, men så småningom så kommer förklaringen.

Beskrivningarna av de ryska karaktärerna är både träffsäkra och roliga. Ofta får du till en liten bisats där det kommer nån liten “släng” med en blink, en dos torr humor. I flera lägen kunde jag höra din röst när jag läste.

Du får också med ett stycke, som redogör för realiteter vad gäller gas och energi i Sverige och Europa. För en stund lämnar vi fiktionen, för att sen återvända. Mot slutet undrar jag naturligtvis hur du ska få ihop allt med Ari och Lars långt uppe i norr, som inte varit med sedan bokens början. Och se där kom det intelligenta slutet.

Ja, egentligen vill jag bra säga att jag tycker The Deep är VÄLDIGT BRA!

Med det vill jag uppmuntra dig att skriva mera!

Jerker Pettersson, 2023-08-14

The Deep:

Ik vond het een spannend boek met vooral veel technische details die het verhaal alhoewel fiction, een gevoel van waarheid aan de lezer geeft. Mijn complimenten Paul, een very good book.

Henry M. van Doorn

THE DEEP by Paul van Doorn

A fictional story, touching on the reality of what is really going on nowadays in the Baltic Sea and its neighbouring countries. Russian aggression towards Ukrainian and the well talked about gas pipes.

About the two young activists and their disappointment with established activists groups such as Greenpeace etc.  Emily and Niels had their own plans to create havoc on Russian property on the sea bed just of the coast of Sweden. They have outstanding technical knowhow and abilities put well to use. (Very well described by the author.) Thus resulting in international tension at top level and even putting not only their own lives, but lives of thousands of civilians if a war was to break out.

Even though Paul the author tells just a story, he makes it very clear to the reader that underwater communication cables, tunnels and pipelines and other constructions,  are extremely vulnerable for terrorists or war time tactics, as they are difficult to protect around the clock day and night. Whilst reading one realises how awkward life would be without electricity, internet and other comforts.

The story eventually rounds up in the same place where it started, in the North of Sweden at the home of a perfectly normal family, well almost normal.

Michael Coleman, 2022-10-21

Author’s comment:

The center of focus in this book lies on the Nord Stream pipelines that transport natural gas from russia to the European continent. Even before its construction, it should have been obvious to anyone that these lines could be used in a blackmailian manner by whoever would be running russia at the time. In many of the recent years, this had been vladimir putin, or perhaps more appropriately vlad putin. 

When Nord Stream 2 was nearly completed, the EU decided to assign a green label to the use of natural gas as a means of energy to reach the goals of the Paris agreement on global warming. Obviously, this is total nonsense but Germany was underway to phase out nuclear energy and was now even more happy and eager to replace it with the new ‘green’ natural gas.

All of the above prompted me to start writing on this in the fall of 2021. Half a year later, putin brought war back to Europe.

In order not to introduce too much fiction in my book, I patiently waited and adjusted my story slightly. 

Shortly after publishing The Deep, both pipelines Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 were sabotaged and struck major leaks. The highly pressurized and therefore liquified natural gas expanded and bubbled up to the surface of the Baltic sea. There were a total of four leaks, two on each pipeline, and thus excluding the theoretical possibility of a technical failure. The remaining question is who did it, and there are several viable candidates, each solidly motivated and each with the means to do it. 

Note that my book was published prior to this sabotage and hopefully did not incite to it. 

Anyway, the facts prove the viability of the contents of my book, but only focus on one of the many possible or likely stakeholders.


As a writer, you have the liberty to write about what you like and add whatever interesting details you fancy. My interests have always been cars, motorcycles, and sailing, and you may find fragments of these in all of my books. In this book, The Deep, a small older model sailing yacht plays a major role.

Those who know me, know that I’ve been an avid sailor for a long time – 49 years this year to be exact. Due to reduced mobility, I had to decide this year to end this long-time hobby of mine. I’ve found quickly moving around on the boat during certain stages of sailing getting harder every year. So earlier this year, I sold my small sail yacht Euforia, a Swedish Monark 540 pocket cruiser. Its new owner lives on Gotland and trailered the boat there for use around the island. I wish them lots of happy sailing!

As a fun fact, I should mention that the new location of the boat is on the northern east coast of the island of Gotland, which is quite close to the cover picture for my book The Deep. A coincidence? You tell me.


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