Eef, our resident columnist and contributor of mainly scientific content to this blog, decided it was time to write and publish some short stories collected from his memory under the sub-title ‘Unexpected turns of events‘. It is my pleasure to publish them on this site and bring them to your attention. Eef wrote three stories to date, I have no doubt that more will follow shortly. Continue reading →
Monthly Archives: May 2023
Mijn boek ‘De Grote Dag’ in het Nederlands
Inderdaad, sinds vandaag, de 6e mei 2023 is mijn short story ‘The Big Day’ nu ook in het Nederlands beschibaar onder det titel ‘De Grote Dag’. Eindelijk!
Tech – 2CV and TransAlp
Occasionally, I do some maintenance or repairs on my fleet of odd road craft. Whenever I deem any of it worthy of sharing with you, I add a new page with a description of the work done.
My odd vehicle fleet consists of the following: