Monthly Archives: January 2025

The US elections – How to do better next time

It has been impossible for anyone to ignore the results of the recent election in the US. The orange candidate won in his words with ‘a landslide victory’, but in our fact-checked reality only with an ever so slight margin. Obviously, this depends on what numbers you are looking at: the number of electors or the number of actual votes.

The results:

  • Electors:
    • Reps: 312
    • Dems: 226
  • Actual votes:
    • Reps: 77 302 580
    • Dems: 75 017 613

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How Artificial Intelligence is developing

In 1949 Alan Turing proposed an experimental exercise which he called The Imitation Game. It was a test to determine the ability of a machine to participate in a human conversation without being caught as a non human entity. Turing’s experience with the WWII Enigma must have made him aware of the potential of computers. The Imitation Game later became known as the Turing Test.

Many decades ago, it must have been in the seventies, I read an article written by Doctor Max Euwe 1901 – 1981, mathematician, computer scientist, and former chess world champion. Continue reading →