Tag Archives: #amazon

KDP – How to self publish your book

In the past few years, I’ve managed to write and publish four books. Three of them are in English while only one is in Dutch. But, writing a book is just one of the many steps between the idea and the book being bought and read by someone.

As I live in Sweden, and none of my books are in Swedish, I presume my readers are most likely be found abroad in Europe and the US. Reaching out to established publishing companies abroad to persuade them to publish my books seemed like a stretch for a newbie writer, so I did not pursue this avenue. Of course, it would be easy to have my books printed locally and then sell each copy myself, but that would require a considerable investment in printing. And I’d have to go door to door to sell them, which is not my thing. Thus the idea of self-publishing them came up. Continue reading →

The slippery slope of AI in books

‘What, AI in books!’ you may say. Indeed, with generative AI you can ask your AI application to write a text, given a set of parameters such as number of words, subject, genre, and much more.

When I recently was editing the blurbs of my books on KDP, the publishing platform for the Amazon book store, I was asked this question:
Of course, my answer was a solid No as I do not engage any AI form in writing my books for me. Or do I? Continue reading →

Paperback time! (…the sequel)

The great Amazon has since a few years problems delivering print-on-demand paperback books within Europe. Sure I can order a paperback to my summerplace in Spain with no problems and delivered within days. But getting one out to Sweden, where I live, is not possible for the great Amazon. Mid 2022, they still blame it on Covid…

So I struck deals with two publishers, Amazon.com for the North American market and BreaveNewBooks.nl for the European markets. The content of BraveNewBooks is forwarded to other large bookshops such as bol.com. Continue reading →