My latest book, ‘The Deep‘, was already out in paperback format. Since today, it is also possible to read it as Ebook on your Kindle ebook device.
Tag Archives: #EU
My new book, The Deep, is out!
Since today, my new book ‘The Deep – An ecological thriller’ is out in the paperback format. An Ebook may follow shortly.
Here’s the cover: Continue reading →
Educate russian tourists?
Since the unprovoked invasion of and war from russia* against Ukraine, relations between the EU and russian federation have been at a historic low, at least since the cold war ended about thirty years ago. Many rich russian folks, certainly those aiding and supporting the putin** regime, have found travel restrictions to the EU and US. Continue reading →
De Europese Commissie zet het licht op groen voor extra investeringen in onder meer aardgas. Dit als vervanging voor steen- en bruinkool dat in veel energiecentrales nog als brandstof wordt gebruikt. Continue reading →
Covid-19 vaccinering
Nee, vrees niet, ik ga hier niets schrijven over het uitvinden, distribueren en toedienen van de verschillende Covid-19 vaccins door de verschilende producenten. Wil je meer weten: open de krant! Of liever gezegd, open de krant niet want wat je zoekt staat waarschijnlijk al op de voorpagina! Continue reading →